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Who teaches us to be ashamed of our #nakedness? Who whispers that our #bodies, as they are, need to be hidden, veiled, or adorned? It is not #nature that tells us to cover ourselves or to feel embarrassed when bare. It is human culture, steeped in judgment & duality, that invents such notions. #Awakening is found not in covering the #body or the #mind but in exposing both to the full light of #awareness, unshielded & vulnerable.


When we embrace #Nakedness without shame, we manifest the understanding that form itself is void of fixed meaning. A #body is just a #body, whether clothed or unclothed. The mountain is not ashamed of its rocky face, nor does the river hide its flowing water. These elements of #Nature accept their existence without judgment or comparison. Should we, who are no different from the mountain or the river, not do the same?

To be truly #Naked is to reveal the core of one’s being, without hiding behind #social masks or cultural expectations. When we embrace #Nakedness without fear or shame, we confront the deepest aspects of our conditioned #mind. Why do we feel discomfort when our #bodies are exposed? Why do we fear judgment from others when our #natural state is revealed? These fears are not rooted in #reality but in conditioned thought — illusions that dissolve upon examination.

Antwortete SydneyJim

Educate others about the harmful impact of fashion & beauty standards. Share your journey of body acceptance & #Naturism, & encourage others to question the norms they’ve been taught. Help create spaces where #Nakedness is not feared but embraced as a celebration of human diversity & beauty. Post images on social media showing your support for #Naturism. (16/18)

Antwortete SydneyJim

Start by embracing #Nakedness in private spaces. Spend time without clothes, becoming familiar with your #body as it is, without judgment or comparison. Practice #BodyPositivity by recognising that beauty is not determined by societal standards but by self-acceptance. Surround yourself with communities that support #Naturist living. These #environments foster a sense of #freedom & #belonging, helping to dissolve the fear that has been instilled over generations. (14/18)

Antwortete SydneyJim

To break free from the fear of #Nakedness, we must challenge the deeply rooted beliefs imposed by fashion & beauty standards. This requires a conscious effort to unlearn what we’ve been taught. We must question why we feel uncomfortable without clothes & examine the origins of that discomfort. Understanding that our perceptions have been shaped by industries profiting from our insecurity is the first step toward #liberation. (13/18)

Antwortete SydneyJim

Abrahamic religious influences have historically reinforced these beliefs, portraying the #Naked body as ‘sinful’ or ‘corrupt.’ The idea of modesty is linked to morality. Covering up is seen as virtuous, while showing skin is deemed provocative or immoral. This mindset has persisted for generations, making it difficult for individuals to embrace #Nakedness without guilt or discomfort. (10/18)

Antwortete SydneyJim

Clothing is often presented as a way to express identity, but it’s also a way to mask perceived imperfections. The fashion industry has conditioned us to believe that our #natural forms are inappropriate or even offensive. It tells us that without the right clothing, we are unworthy of acceptance. This mindset fuels a fear of #nakedness, both our own & that of others. (5/18)

Antwortete SydneyJim

When gathered around a fire at dusk, the crackling flames mirror the warmth in our hearts. Shadows play across bare skin, & stories flow like the embers that rise to meet the stars. There is #peace in this #vulnerability, in knowing that our #nakedness is not a spectacle but a testament to #truth. Clothed in nothing but acceptance, we share laughter & silence alike, bound by our shared humanity. The firelight becomes our garment, flickering against the night. (8/12)

Antwortete SydneyJim

Deep in the #bush, where sunlight dapples through ancient canopies, #NakedBushwalking becomes a dance with the #earth. Twigs snap underfoot, & birds sing their songs, unconcerned by our presence. #Nakedness is no intrusion here; it is a homecoming. Our senses heighten, attuned to the breath of the #bush, the pulse of the #earth. Each step is deliberate, a #meditation on presence, where our #bodies harmonise with the world in serene communion. (7/12)

It is a profound act of truthfulness — returning to the fundamental simplicity of #existence, where realisation arises without striving or effort. In this way, #HadakaShizenyoku transcends conceptual practices like koan, gongan, & pith methods by engaging the whole being in an unmediated, #experiential #truth. It is not a matter of solving a riddle or receiving an instruction; it is the living #reality of nonduality, where #nakedness itself becomes a gateway to #awakening. (22/22)

Antwortete SydneyJim

For many, #naturism is a form of personal liberation. Freeing oneself from clothes can be an empowering act, challenging #social norms & confronting internalised shame about the #body. By rejecting the idea that #nakedness is inherently indecent, #naturists reclaim their bodies & foster a sense of pride & #acceptance. This #liberation is often transformative, reshaping how individuals view themselves & others. It’s a journey toward self-acceptance & a celebration of human #diversity. (8/23)

#HadakaShizenyoku entails #meditating, breathing, meditative walking, & existing in #Nature without clothes. It demands full acceptance of one’s #body, fostering #BodyPositivity & overcoming duality. #Nakedness symbolises #muga – ‘No Ego’ – stripping away the illusion of separation. Through direct experience of the elements – wind, sun, rain, – practitioners embrace suffering & realise #impermanence.