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This brave one let me get close and even came up to me🙂 I was also surprised by the encounter, as I always walk past the field where I saw on this day two rooks, and there were usually only carrion crows there😄

🇺🇸: The rook (Corvus frugilegus) is one of the four European species of the genus Corvus in the family Corvidae. The rook is hardly confused in its adult plumage. young birds can be confused with the equally large carrion crow (C. corone corone). The wingspan is 98 centimetres. The plumage of the approximately 46 centimetre tall rook is uniformly black, with a slightly reddish sheen. Depending on the light, the crown and neck shimmer greenish or violet-metallic. The base of the beak of the adult birds is bare and scabby-whitish, that of the young birds is still feathered. As with all Corvus species, the food of the rook is extremely varied. Although it prefers plant-based food, the latter is nevertheless moderately predominant, accounting for three fifths. Earthworms, various species of crane flies, beetles and their developmental stages as well as slugs are among the preferred prey.


ISO 320
Aperture F/6.3
Shutterspeed 1/800

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This is definitely a borb!🥹😂

🇺🇸: The goldcrest (Regulus regulus) is one of the smallest bird species in Europe. With a body length of around nine centimetres, it weighs only between four and seven grams. The goldcrest breeds in Europe, the Middle East, southwest Siberia and the mountains of Central and Middle Asia, and also breeds in Japan. It is basically a coniferous forest dweller with a strong connection to spruce and other short-needled tree species. Goldcrests only eat small arthropods, and the amount of food they eat each day is at least equal to their body weight. The food requirement for young birds, birds moulting or females laying eggs can double.

🇩🇪: Das Wintergoldhähnchen (Regulus regulus) ist eine der kleinsten Vogelarten Europas. Mit seinen etwa neun Zentimetern Körpergröße wiegt es nur zwischen vier und sieben Gramm. Das Wintergoldhähnchen ist ein Brutvogel Europas, Vorderasiens, Südwestsibiriens sowie der Gebirge Mittel- und Zentralasiens und brütet auch in Japan. Es ist grundsätzlich ein Nadelwaldbewohner mit einer starken Bindung an Fichten und andere kurznadelige Baumarten. Wintergoldhähnchen fressen ausschließlich kleine Gliederfüßer, die täglich aufgenommene Nahrungsmenge entspricht mindestens ihrem Körpergewicht. Bei Jungvögeln, Vögeln in der Mauser oder bei Weibchen während der Eiablage kann der Nahrungsbedarf auf das Doppelte ansteigen.


ISO 4000
Aperture F/6.3
Shutterspeed 1/800

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Die Weißwangengans. Ich war gerade dabei die Sanderlinge zu fotografieren, da kam diese Gans angeflogen und verjagte die kleinen. Zum Glück hab ich einigermaßen schnell reagieren und ein paar schöne Bilder einfangen können 🖤 habt ihr schon einmal dieses Tier sehen können?

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✨ Salut tout le monde !
Merci pour votre engouement suite à mon pouet d'hier ! 😘
✨ Aujourd'hui je vous présente une #illustration de #gorgebleue en plein nourrissage, au nid ! J'ai fait cette illustration pour un projet sur la #reservenaturelle de Séné. Il s'agit d'un projet #FALC : Facile à Lire et à Comprendre.
✨ Vous pouvez retrouver mes #dessins par ici :
#bird #birds #birdphotography #birdwatching #ornithology #ornithologie #birdlovers #nature #MastoArt #ecologie #biodiversite #wildlife #wildlifephotography #WildlifeConservation #wildlifeprotection #EspècesMenacées #pnr #parcnaturel #ParcsNationaux #espacesnaturels

I know I’m posting a lot of kestrels at the moment, but they’re just getting braver towards me🥹 This female placed her up in the tree after a few walkers passed by. I already knew she was less shy and took the chance. I didn’t look at her to find a place without backlighting and luckily she stayed and let me take photos.

🇺🇸: The kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) is the most common falcon in Central Europe. It is relatively familiar to the public because it has also conquered cities and urban areas as its habitat and can often be seen hovering. Body size and wingspan vary greatly depending on the subspecies and individual. In the subspecies Falco tinnunculus tinnunculus found in Europe, males reach an average body length of 34.5 centimeters and females 36 centimeters. The average wingspan of males is just under 75 centimeters and that of the larger females is 76 centimeters. Studies have shown that females can differentiate between eleven different vocalizations and males over nine. The calls can be divided into a few basic patterns, the volume, pitch and frequency of which vary depending on the situation.


ISO 320
Aperture F/6.3
Shutterspeed 1/1250

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