Prince William: Prince William shares behind-the-scene pictures on Instagram. He admits to monitoring screen time of his children #BehindTheScenes #BritishRoyalFamily #Cardiff #Catherine #CatherineMiddleton #Instagram #KateMiddleton #PrinceOfWales #PrinceWilliam #PrincessOfWales #Royal #RoyalFamilies #RoyalGossip #Royals #RoyalsGossip #ScreenTime #WalesWilliams #William
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#slowmusic #screentime #languages #streamingaudio #webgame
After learning so much about #screentime and #socialmedia, I have the urge to share the knowledge! Read >40 actionable tips here on how to limit your usage: #productivity
I took a walk in this beautiful weather and thinking of ways I will post about it. I am back and posting. Wait, I actually forgot how the weather and the surroundings felt.
#weather #screentime #attentionspan #whatmatters #priorities #firstthingsfirst
Limiting screen time protects children’s mental health.
A recent Finnish study suggests that limiting screen time and promoting physical activity from childhood may help safeguard mental health in adolescence. The findings are particularly significant given that mental health problems affect up to 30% of young people and pose a growing societal challenge.
#science #screentime #mentalhealth
Conclave, Oscar movie spoiler, UsPol
Pidgeon Pagonis reviews Conclave's treatment of the Pope
Sometimes it's hard to stop ourselves from automatically checking our phones for notifications or simply ping-ponging between our favourite apps. Senior tech correspondent Adam Clark Estes for @Vox talks us through Apple's and Google's attempts at digital wellness and explains what can actually help us to limit our screen time.
Excessive #screentime can trigger #mentalhealth issues in #children: study
Disheartened that my #ScreenTime is up 12% last week to 14 hours 9 mins
7 hours 25 mins of that is my sleep tracker app, which shows I’m getting more sleep than at the start of this project
The real problem is that I have started to disobey the limits on my social apps. Initially I’d say “just 1 more minute”, then I’d say “15 more minutes”.
This ‘snooze’ function only works on an app by app basis but I kind of wish it would act on a category basis so I could do a quick tour of my social apps to check notifications
Maybe I need to refine my limits for different apps rather than putting the same blanket limit on them all
A big problem is all the time I’ve been spending on Reddit being obsessed with #Severance fan theories
Pickups are down 67% from last week, so limiting my notifications is working
I had vaguely assumed #ScreenTime would go down when I quit both Facebook and Twitter, but my #SocialMedia addiction actually got much stronger doubling from the 3 week pre-quit average. 米俳優のジーン・ハックマンさん、妻と飼い犬と自宅で死去-BBC – Bloomberg #Business #cojp #culture #lifestyle #NEWS #screentime #ニュース
My first #app idea bombed, but the feedback was priceless. Read more about my #entrepreneur journey with #screentime apps here:
I have written some thoughts about why we so easily reach for our phones just before our minds can start to really think new thoughts, and how I think it's connected to the increase in anxiety.
Hättet ihr das gewusst? "Die Netzhaut ist eine Kamera mit 125 Megapixeln", sagt der Biophysiker Frank Schaeffel.
Miriam Margoyles in New Zealand, Apple Cider Vinegar, Grace #applecidervinegar #Grace #miriammargolyesinnewzealand #NewZealand #screentime #streaming #taraward #tv #tvreviews #tvshows
Hot Tub: Apple muss Porno-Apps auf EU-iPhones zulassen
Aufgrund des Digital Markets Act (DMA) ist Apple verpflichtet, pornografische Apps wie „Hot Tub“ auf iPhones in der EU
#iPad #iPhone #News #AlternativeAppMarktpltze #AltStorePAL #AppStorePolitik #Apple #DigitalMarketsAct #ElterlicheKontrolle #EpicGames #EURegulierung #HotTub #Inhaltskontrolle #Jugendschutz #PhilSchiller #PornoApps #ScreenTime we need to look at our children, not our phones #BritishRoyalFamily #catherine #CatherineMiddleton #KateMiddleton #parenting #PrinceOfWales #PrinceWilliam #PrincessOfWales #RoyalFamilies #RoyalFamily #ScreenTime #William
Hours and hours
Screentime absorbs her being
She's Instagrammy
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #WritersCollective #writingcommunity #BackToHaiku #Seasons #Winter #Cold #Frigid #February #Thaw #Snow #Screen #Screentime #Old #Lady #Insta #Instagram #Instagrammy
February 1, 2025