Should have made him Bruce Wayne.
Not Lex.
Now THAT would have been a fucking show. #smallville #dc #batman
Should have made him Bruce Wayne.
Not Lex.
Now THAT would have been a fucking show. #smallville #dc #batman
I didn’t know Annette O'Toole (Martha Kent in Smallville) played Lana Lang in Superman III (1983)!!
#Superman #Smallville
#HappyBirthday @realeliastoufexis #eliastoufexis #actor #lak #StarTrekDiscovery #brilliant #decoys #maxsteel #lenandcompany #smallville #bitten #TheExpanse #BloodofZeus #BladeRunner #BlackLotus #needforspeed #assasinscreed #deusex #fallout4 #thelastofus #callofduty #starfield #startrek #resurgence #startrek58 @startrek @startrekonpplus
#HappyBirthday @switwer1 #SamWitwer #actor #DarthMaul #starwars #TheCloneWars #rebels #Resistance #thebookofbobbafett #andor #RogueOne #TheLastJedi #solostarwarsstory #TheRiseofSkywalker #startrek #Enterprise #themist #riverdale #BattlestarGalactica #dexter #smallville #beinghuman #Supergirl #mythicquest @streammaxla @starwars @disneyplusla @startrek @startrekonpplus
Ich habe mein Wikipedia Benutzer Artikel mal überarbeitet und alle Discs und Bücher aufgezählt die ich bisher besitze.
#Anime #Manga #Webtoon #dvd #bd #lightnovel #doctorwho #onepiece #scifi #smallville #eureka #fringe #TokyoGhoul ...
I have revised my Wikipedia user article and listed all the discs and books I own so far. An English version is in progress.