I bought the first book of the Hayao Miyazaki Image Board (artwork) series.
It's a masterpiece.
I bought the first book of the Hayao Miyazaki Image Board (artwork) series.
It's a masterpiece.
Nausicaä del Valle del Viento
Va sobre una princesa que tiene que salvar a su pueblo de un bosque tóxico que se expande y otros reinos hostiles
Tiene un mensaje ecologista y momentos muy chulos made in Ghibli
El tema de los insectos, su mundo y la función que tienen molan mucho
Es un clasicazo pero tiene ya 40 años y se nota un poco, no mucho, en la manera en la que está contada
Analysen von Newsguard stufen Epoch Times folgendermaßen ein: „Die Seite hat mehrfach falsche Behauptungen veröffentlicht, unter anderem über die COVID-19-Pandemie.“
Epoch Times | „Nausicaä aus dem Tal der Winde“: Frühes Meisterwerk eines legendären Geschichtenerzählers
@bethsawin i love what you are saying and thinking here - like everything else, but this in particular because I happen to have rewatched #Nausicaa a couple of days and it chimes so much with what you are saying. Nausicaa fully embodies this kind of attentive, caring interaction with systems. She is a real hero of mine, even as a fictional character!
Reminds me I never did an #introduction even though I've been here for a while.
5 #manga series to get to know me:
#GhostHunt (currently reading the rewrite novel)