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"We're talking about Crop Failure in 2030“

Carry on emitting today and hope at some future date huge carbon sucking technology will solve the problem. Yet we know carbon is killing today, and global emissions are still rising.

Oil is more valuable than our culture, our heritage, our bodies. More valuable than the beautiful web of life on earth, more valuable than home.

We need serious #ForestryReform in #BritishColumbia immediately. We need to implement the science-based recommendations from experts who were commissioned multiple times by #BCNDP #BCgovernment to produce #OldGrowth Strategic Reviews (twice during Horgan's regime). They promised to implement the recommendations but they have not done so. Our old growth forests aren't numerous anymore & yet our #capitalist driven, #neoliberal government is still allowing them to be cut. In a severe #ClimateCrisis - we're stuck with political leaders who are still siding with ecocidal corporations. We need to ban corporate lobbyists. They never have citizens' best interests at heart & our politicians are too easily bribed.

Australian Security Leaders Climate Group calls for overhaul of federal government's climate threat preparedness strategy

"The ASLCG says the federal government must make sharper and faster cuts to emissions, as well as pressing the largest polluters to collaborate on driving down carbon pollution...The latest climate science showed that large parts of northern Australia "could become uninhabitable within 30-40 years, threatening military bases, communities, and the economy."
#ClimateDisruption #ClimateInaction #climate #FossilFuels #pollution #Australia #unliveable

ABC News · Australian Security Leaders Climate Group calls for overhaul of federal government's climate threat preparedness strategyVon Stephen Dziedzic


#ClimateCatastrophe #Humor #COP27

@thejuicemedia seems to have known the outcome of the #UN's report on the #Climate Crisis almost two months ago:

Honest Government Ad |
Net Zero by 2050

The #Australian Government has made an ad about its plan to reach #NetZero by 2050, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative: - YouTubeAuf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.