Jabber again
JoinJabber has a channel/chatroom reccomendation page now in case you are new to Jabber/XMPP and are looking for places to hangout.
The list was compiled with safety and protection of marginalized people in mind so that all rooms in the list are safe to join. The criteria we are using for the list are written on the top of the page.
Any new room additions to the list are welcome.
#Gajim 2.0.2 has been released (#Jabber / #XMPP / #XMPPClient / #JabberClient / #Python / #nbxmpp / #pythonnbxmpp / #OMEMO / #SCRAM / #SCRAMSHA / #SCRAMSHA1 / #SCRAMSHA256 / #SCRAMSHA512) https://gajim.org/
On my OS, #Debian, there are various Matrix clients. #EmentEl is probably the best, but because I use #Jabber more than Matrix, I have a #slidge matridge bridge from #XMPP and use #Gajim as my one-stop client.
Element (with or w/o X) is not in Debian and after almost eight years, I doubt to see it anytime soon.
My goal is to move the remaining two things I'm hosting on a VPS home as-well. Ultimately I'd like to just host Pangolin on a VPS like I am now and just have everything else "truly" #SelfHosted at home.
Though I'll likely keep my (for now #Snikket, later possibly straight-up #Prosody) #XMPP / #Jabber server on the small VPS I have dedicated for it now as it requires a *ton* of ports and other configuration bits that make hosting it through a Wireguard setup difficult at best.
Es ist noch gar nicht lange her, da gab es #Jabber Clients mit pgp-Unterstützung. Es gibt sogar ein XEP dazu: xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0373.h…
Aber die Generation Facebook fand den Facebook-Messenger ja viel geiler. Und Gtalk. Und Whatsapp. Und und.
Und nun heulen die Vergeßlichen rum daß alles so furchtbar sei. Na dann macht doch! Himmel! Jabber kann man selber hosten, wie Mastodon und Konsorten.
Ja, es ist nicht trivial, auch nicht in der Benutzung.
Vermutlich möchte die Jugend gepampert werden.
@renehamburg damals bezüglich #Jabber und #ICQ schon mein Gedanke:
Sollte im Play Store einen #Matrix Messenger geben der sich per Handynummer einrichten lässt.
Quasi Noob freundlich...
#QXmpp 1.10.1 has been released (#XMPP / #Jabber / #CPP / #CPlusPlus / #E2E / #E2EE / #EndToEndEncryption / #E2EEncryption / #XEP0384 / #OMEMO / #SCRAM / #SCRAMSASL) https://github.com/qxmpp-project/qxmpp
#Gajim 2.0.0 has been released (#Jabber / #XMPP / #XMPPClient / #JabberClient / #Python / #nbxmpp / #pythonnbxmpp / #OMEMO / #SCRAM / #SCRAMSHA / #SCRAMSHA1 / #SCRAMSHA256 / #SCRAMSHA512) https://gajim.org/
Created a chatroom to talk about ultralight backpacking/trekking: https://xmpp.link/#ultralight@chat.jwchat.org%3Fjoin