You will find there's no need to worry about Heighths, but watch out for those Wutherings.
You will find there's no need to worry about Heighths, but watch out for those Wutherings.
That's not chicken - Signed, the Soylent Green factory
It wasn't 20,000 leagues deep - that's 69,000 miles. He was saying they *traveled* 20,000 leagues under the sea.
It was neither 'German,' nor 'Al.' Discuss.
It wasn't really about the mockingbirds.
The butler did it.
We don't need OnlyFans. We don't post for money, but for our pleasure. And only for fans.
I knew this would happen. With regards, Harry Seldon.
Never get involved in a land war in Asia.
#FortuneCookieBasedOnABook #HashTagGames
Better to remain silent, unless you hold the conch shell.
Be careful what you wish for — the mouse that roars and wins may not be up for new responsibilities.
#FortuneCookieBasedOnABook #HashTagGames
Let He Who Is Without Smell cast the first perfume
#FortuneCookieBasedOnABook #HashTagGames
The Man In Black has fled across the desert, and you shall follow
The catch is, your fear of flying combat missions is rational and is therefore not an insanity excuse for being grounded.
You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprize which you have refitted with such evil floorboardings.
Have courage! What appear to be daunting, ferocious giants may in fact be merely windmills.
All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family sits unhappy in its drive way.
(First sentence in Anna Carenina)
Years from now when your bones ache and your hair is grey and you recall your youth, your worse times will be held as your best times
A person may seem proud only because you are prejudiced.
Find the Joy of Cooking