Winning more battles in courts against governments and corporations.
This could be somewhat of an example:
The highest German court set a precedent two years ago.
It ruled partially in favour of a complaint against German laws to prevent climate change.
The court found that the German government is not upholding it's responsibility towards future generations and based that on scientific reports.
US Supreme Court is unlikely to do smth like this, but still
"As intertemporal guarantees of freedom, fundamental rights afford the complainants protection against comprehensive threats to freedom caused by the greenhouse gas reduction burdens that are mandatory under Art. 20a GG being unilaterally offloaded onto the future. The legislator should have taken precautionary steps to ensure a transition to climate neutrality that respects freedom – steps that have so far been lacking."
from the courts reasoning I linked in the toot before
Found about Client Earth an NGO doing exactly that, using the power of the law to fight for climate justice.
They have an active case filed against Shell's Board of Directors in the UK and over 160 other active cases against governments and corporations.
They have won cases against Germany for violating air pollution laws and I think other countries too.