I just completed all 25 days of Advent of Code 2024! #AdventOfCode #python https://adventofcode.com/
I returned to Day 21 Part 2 last week, finally got the 'shape' of the problem but failed to solve it again. Yesterday I restarted from my Part 1 solution and after some toe-stubbing it finally works! (silly mistakes are more obvious the next day)
AOC has been great for levelling up my Python skills and reminding me this is fun...sometimes.
Thank you @ericwastl !
@adw99 @ericwastl Congratulations! I'm still stuck on part 1 of day 21, let's see when I find the time and drive to work on it again
@rolandbaer when you come back to day 21 I can give you some hints, just message me.