Handgesponnen und handgestrickt - und gar nicht auffällig, ich liebe diesen Mantel.
Handspun and handknit - and not at all flashy, I love this coat
@handarbeiten@a.gup.pe @fiberarts@a.gup.pe @knitting #fiberarts #knitting #stricken #handmadewardrobe
@FanCityKnits @handarbeiten @fiberarts @knitting omg now I have coat-envy
Go for it.
I had to adapt quite a bit, but this pattern is a really good starting point.
@FanCityKnits I think I will go for it!!! Have enough yarn for the top part but need to ply it so that it’s apt for 7 mm needles instead of the 2.5 mm I have plied it into now. So maybe I’ll ply 3 of those.
What did you alter in the pattern? For size?
Needle size
Let me dig into my ravelry notes ..
I had to use a factor 1.7 for stitch count, because my gauge was 22 sts/ 10 cm, but the given size was ok. So I multiplied the stitch count by 1.7 and went with it.
If you're on ravelry, you'll find my project easily.
@FanCityKnits yes I am on Ravelry (Thismau). Will look your project up! I’m expecting fleeces of sheep once they are shaved. In the meantime I can try to spin a bit thicker
@FanCityKnits few, found the pattern and found your notes. Have no idea if i can do it, this is a bit too advanced for me, but still i'm intregued so maybe i'll go for it and see where it takes me!
Did you make the bottom part an A-line (so wider)?