Prepare yourself, because once more #ThePlaylist has wrought its havoc across the airwaves, and the result has been captured for your 'enjoyment'.
The theme this week was:
Share it far, and share it wide.
@labr // // Monday 2000-2200 GMT
Spoilers for this week's running order.
Here are this week's tracks, in case you missed any of them.
And here are this week's Flat Stanleys. May their contributions to public happiness not go unheeded.
Jamie Heels
As ever, @Troggie has been splendid and collected all of the tracks played on this week's #ThePlaylist into neat, well, playlists.
Thank you, @Troggie!
Apple Music -
Spotify -
NEXT WEEK ON #ThePlaylist
I was reminded of a band that I used to love, who I assumed would go stratospheric, only for them to, well, not. So with that in mind, next week's theme is:
They coulda been a contender
Fling your also-rans at me. Your one-hit wonders who had whole albums worth of quality tunes, but who were cruelly ignored by the pop-picking-people. Use the tag #ThePlaylistSuggestion to ensure I can find it.
@labr // // Monday 2000-2200 GMT
@DJDarren @labr
Always, always immediately King's X comes to mind. They exist a very long time now and are appreciated by fans and among musicians. It's (by musicbiz n charts) the most underrated band there is.
To many good albums to mention just a single one.
Livegigs are always like a homecoming. Fans sing lyrics word by word like the most famous (i guess). Kinda like a must at every show: