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Bei @Mellando gesehen:

1. First #trpg ever played: DSA
2. First you ever ran? - DSA
3. Played the most? - DSA
4. Run the most? - DungeonSlayers
5. Favourite? - D&D5e, Shadowdark
6. Most recently played? - Shadowdark
7. Most recently run? - Shadowrun

1. First #trpg ever played: DSA
2. First you ever ran? - DSA
3. Played the most? - (mine — got very lucky that I had a GM running it)
4. Run the most? - DSA (exclusively in the first 7 years, so it likely still wins, because the next 25 years were with different RPGs)
5. Favourite? - 1w6, Mechanical Dreams
6. Most recently played? - Cthulhu¹
7. Most recently run? - 1w6 One-Shot, D&D with kids (but the next will be Gurps Celtic Myth)


@BlauesLicht @Mellando

www.draketo.deCthulhu Kampagne: NyarlathotepVerstreute Werke von ((λ()'Dr.ArneBab))

@ArneBab @BlauesLicht @Mellando

1. First #trpg ever played: #DasSchwarzeAuge (DSA)
2. First you ever ran? - DSA
3. Played the most? - DSA (followed by #Shadowrun)
4. Run the most? - DSA
5. Favourite? - #FraggedEmpire. #OpusAnima, DSA, #Wildsea
6. Most recently played? - Warhammer FRP. Unless #Wildsea session 0 counts.
7. Most recently run? - DSA (long time ago)

@billiglarper @ArneBab @BlauesLicht @Mellando

1. First ever played:
2. First you ever ran? - DSA
3. Played the most? - Most likely DSA, but is about to take the lead
4. Run the most? - DSA
5. Favourite? - , or (with a setting like , or )
6. Most recently played? - Cthulhu
7. Most recently run? - in

@alexanderondu @ArneBab @BlauesLicht @Mellando

Danke für den Hinweis. Ich konnte auch schonmal in in den Ravnica-Quellenband reinschauen, und fand den gut gemacht.

Leider ist das D&D-Regelwerk nicht so wirklich meins.