The “old” Steam Deck ad is sick. Although a lot of gaming ads of the 90s focused on laddish behavior. But I’m glad they left that out.
My 3DS still comes with me on the odd work-trip! As does my DSi (I love the design of the DSi, from a hardware perspective). Their games libraries are so, so unique.
@PerfectDark @DrBabyJesus i still wonder if i should try to get my hands on a 3ds to get and play some games that i missed but i dont know if its worth it, the game backlog is already so big...
If you’re in a country that let’s you, Buyee is a good option!
Its a auction proxy service that let’s you bid on the Japanese auction sited (as well as straight-up buying). They have super affordable options that way! My hobby is buying very cheap ‘junk’ consoles, fixing them up and giving them new life.
Annnnd there’s a strong homebrew scene for the 3DS now, so the library is extensive
@PerfectDark yeah, id have checked sites like ebay (kleinanzeigen), rebuy or refurbished to get one, as well as the games. I'd love to have one but i think itd lie around most of the time. Will take a look at the site you mentioned though
Yeah, 3DSes are expensive in Europe. I’m still angry at myself for not grabbing one for ~100€ when MediaMarkt/Saturn got rid of them.
@mbirth yeah, when i bought my switch in 2017 or so, i planned on getting a new2ds or 3ds to play all the games that i missed over the years, mostly pokemon but in the end never bought one. Same with the vita years before though