My Thoughts on the Firefox situation
* I've used Firefox since it was Mosaic, and when it was called Netscape Navigator.
* I agree that the removal of the promise not to sell your data is bad, and the new EULA is bad.
* I worry about the long term product development of Firefox
* I question the role of the fork in development, meaning I don't know how much they can do on their own without Firefox proper.
* Firefox sync is an important feature to me. I'm open to self-hosting but not losing it.
* I'm open to new browsers for the future, but this is a huge effort.
* Brave is *NOT* the solution. No way, no how.
* We need an alternative to Webkit based browsers.
* Firefox will have lessons for us about FLOSS sustainability. We don't know what those lessons are yet.
If you find the time — as I'm typing this I'm trying out Brave: What's your issue with Brave? Sync?
If we worry about Firefox because of its funding model, Brave exists because a very wealthy man with very problematic actions in the past wants to use Brave to support a crypto-backed ad network.
That's not wild speculation- they're clear about that on their website.
Thank you for your fast answer! =)