#shield : a broad piece of defensive armor, carried on the arm
- French: bouclier
- German: der Schild
- Italian: scudo
- Portuguese: escudo
- Spanish: escudo
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form

#shield : a broad piece of defensive armor, carried on the arm
- French: bouclier
- German: der Schild
- Italian: scudo
- Portuguese: escudo
- Spanish: escudo
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form
#enshittification part N
I was enjoying my non-smart TV + #NVidia #Shield for several years now. I was using the basic apps like internet radio, VLC, ARTE, SmartTube. Pure ad-free experience.
Last week I was dumb enought to let it update. Along the Nvidia updates, Google TV updates sneaked in.
Yesterday, the ads for shows and apps started filling the upper 1/3 of the launcher.
Uninstalled Google TV update, stopped some services and luckily, ads are gone from home screen.
Damn, those infesters.
Hat hier jemand schon den #HdPlus #TvStick #datenschutzfreundlich eingerichtet?
Hab mal bei @kuketzblog Forum ein Thread eröffnet: https://www.kuketz-forum.de/t/hd-ip-tv-stick-android-datenschutzfreundlich-nutzen/11587 und will mal versuchen die Tipps für die #NVIDIA #Shield https://www.kuketz-blog.de/android-tv-nvidia-shield-datenschutzfreundlich-nutzen/ probieren...
Hide / Shield.
Terrain piece made from mainly household junk (what can you spot?). Some additional scrap cast pieces from my experiments and a wall corner of foamcore. based on a CD covered in tissue/PVA.
Turning the corner of a ruined building into a shield or hide for the battle to come. Construct a rough wooden frame to support all the junk you can find.
Space Marine miniature for scale.
Shield Experience Upgrade 9.2: Nvidia fügt Auro-3D hinzu und behebt reihenweise Fehler https://www.computerbase.de/news/gaming/shield-experience-upgrade-9-2-nvidia-fuegt-auro-3d-hinzu-und-behebt-reihenweise-fehler.91312/ #Nvidia #Shield
Royal Rumble Ranas 2025
#RoxannePerez #hurricanrana'd #iyoSky in the opening minutes of the 37th #RoyalRumble
Later in the same match #AlexaBliss rana'd #Bayley
#Natalya also rana'd #RaquelRodriguez
#TrishStratus rana'd #NyaJax
#StephanieVaquer eliminated herself and #iyoSky by rana along with three others at once.
That makes 5 ranas in one 60+ minute match.
In the men's rumble, #ReyMysterio rana'd #PentaElZeroMiedo over the top rope but penta was not eliminated. Rey also rana'd #CarmeloHayes.
#BronBreakker frankensteiner'd (ranad off the top rope) #ChadGable.
#Penta rana'd #TheMiz then vice-versa.
Poison rana by #JeyUso on #JacobFatu. #SethRollins eliminated himself while sorta ranaing his former #Shield stablemate #RomanReigns out the ring as well
Which makes 7 ranas in one match, for a total of 12 for the night!
Ukraine Daily summary - Saturday, January 4 2025
Ukraine's largest steel maker launches production of Patriot system armor -- Ukrainian Navy ensures safe passage for over 9,000 vessels through sea corridor in 2024 -- Russia has recruited up to 180,000 convicts for war against Ukraine -- Over 50,000 Russians seek MIA through Ukraine’s project -- and more
https://www.lovenhl.com/1289809/ Panthers TRY to ‘Draw the Shield’ #AleksanderBarkov #Art #AtlanticDivision #DrawTheShield #Drawing #EasternConference #fight #Florida #FloridaPanthers #Funny #Goals #highlights #hits #hockey #logo #MatthewTkachuk #MediaDay #NHL #OfficialChannel #Panthers #SamReinhart #SergeiBobrovsky #shield #SouthFlorida #StanleyCupChampions
Türchen 5: Marta und Barbra Banda – Sturmduo
Hinter Türchen Nummer fünf haben sich zwei gesucht und gefunden. Marta und Barbra Banda haben zusammen mit Orlando Pride die NWSL gewonnen, das Sturmduo gibt auch neben dem Platz gegen alle Widrigkeiten ein gutes Team ab.
„Man muss hart trainieren, um Barbra hinterherrennen zu können!“, scherzte Marta Anfang Oktober, kurz bevor Orlando das NWSL Shield gewann. Die 38-jährige Marta […]
#Adventskalender #BarbraBanda #Brasilien #BruceMwape #FußballDerFrauen #Marta #NWSL #OrlandoPride #Sambia #Shield #SpielerInnen
The Greek goddess Athena carried a shield bearing the likeness of Medusa, whose essence (when directed by Asclepius, god of medicinal arts) bestowed both protection and healing.
The 1975 TV series Wonder Woman featured its hero, also bearing a shield, fighting the Nazis.
While they posed a genuine threat to the world, the show's villains were not the smartest.
Mit DNS-Filtern, angepassten Einstellungen und einem bewussten Nutzungsverhalten lässt sich die #NVIDIA #Shield datenschutzfreundlicher nutzen.
Auch mein erster Gedanke an dieser Stelle. Aber das Döschen läuft nunmal mit Android, also bis hierhin "normales" Verhalten.
Wenn sich die Anmeldung mit einem simplen "überspringen" nicht umgehen läst, dann ist die Dose uninteressant.
NVIDIA Shield angeschlossen. Gestartet. Mit WiFi verbunden. Nächster Schritt: Bitte mit (bestehendem) Google-Konto verbinden.
An dieser Stelle muss ich mich fragen, ob es überhaupt noch Sinn macht, das Gerät weiter zu analysieren.