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I finished getting my 170+ #eBooks off #Amazon and into #Calibre and stripped the #DRM from them. As an interesting aside, something that I was aware of but hadn't really considered is I can have Calibre scan news websites daily and create #ePub books to read on my device.

Now I'm just trying to find the right reading app to use on my device. The leading app right now is #Librera, but I miss having shelves / groups in it. But I love the integration of #ProjectGutenberg and #InternetArchive.

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@billseitz I saw it out there - haven't downloaded it yet. My initial reaction from the screenshot in the store: the bookshelf looks like it may be difficult to work with... With the Note Air3C (a Kaleido3 eInk display) color interfaces aren't always the best to work with.

But I will give it a try at some point.

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@billseitz Thanks for this. That setting with changing the font make things substantially better... But I still feel like the built in reader is a more streamlined reading experience. Mostly for the organizational handling of a large library (1200+ books).

I'll play around some more and see if I can make it work the way I want it to.

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