Fundamentals of what? Botanics?
Arthritis, cannabis, communis.
Fundamentals of what? Botanics?
Amazing, make annexation dependent on a criminal organisation cooperating after you’ve spent decades funding that criminal org.
It’s still a bit hit or miss at the time I’m posting stuff. If I submit news for archival I’m getting an archive of a paywall very often. It happens with too but not that frequently.
I’m putting this for everyone’s convenience but I also don’t want to make a job for myself out of this.
What does that have to do with plants and hills?
Polish parliament just barely passed a resolution that we’re okay with increased spending by the EU. Can’t wait for nazis to win German elections eventually and use those €500b to annex Gdańsk or something. At least there won’t be any fighting, because we won’t have a functioning army when we’re going to get rid of taxes that destroy entrepreneurship dreams of polish elites just like in 1772–1795.
Sorry to butt that in here but both news were next to each other in my RSS feed and triggered my rambling mode.
Same fate as League of Nations, funny*
* very scary
Let’s not forget decades of blaming everything on mainland Europe and EU. Russia isn’t that good when it comes to creating new divides but they are amazing at exploiting existing ones.
In the Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life film there is a restaurant scene with an obese gentleman consuming copious amounts of food which makes him vomit repeatedly. It ends when a waiter brings him a wafer-thin mint which makes him explode. Russian social media campaigns are kind of like that mint.
We need to fix underlying stuff rather than blaming it on a boogeyman. The boogeyman will be powerless then.
If you know of a different archival service that’s popular enough to carry this kind of content then I’m open to suggestions. By the time I post this stuff already has a copy but other ones I check don’t.
I was gripped throughout. It was already getting good but this single episode made me understand what’s so good about the books. My partner read through the entire series but she knows I don’t want to be spoiled and kept shush so far. I knew important stuff is coming from all the glances I was getting lol.
I wanted to avoid it but now I have to read the whole thing. Fuck.
I work at a multinational that has presence in Finland but there’s a sea between us. Maybe I’m not getting the entire picture and they have very happy after work lives. But then there’s legendary amounts of depression and alcohol abuse. Are they so happy while sleeping that it makes up for everything else? I don’t know :D
This one looks perfect for me because there’s no gadget news (which I grew bored of). I’m going to post there but I think it’s best that there’s a separate more gadget’y community too.
It’s not mine, I’m just a human firehose of posts.
Yeah, so get this. One of those apps is a shipping company that’s close to being a monopoly. You could pick up their parcels with just a phone number but now you need account for safety. So I can’t uninstall it. I need notifications on because I’m a klutz and need reminders. And so I’m also invited to collecting some dumb coins or NFTs they sell. Discord made way into people’s lives too, they’re now dependent and screwed.
Uplifting news seems to be doing ok but I’m still worried about removing the training wheels. I’ll keep on posting there until it gets more crowded because we really need all the good news we can take.
Yeah, not buying it. I’m getting spammed with „quests” from multiple apps now that got the same idea. Seems like a workaround for Apple App Store rules where apps shouldn’t be using notifications for ads, but „quests” are fine somehow. It’s always apps that need notifications and are so important you can’t uninstall them. Gee, what a coincidence.
Banks could be losing money on transactors hoping they’d make it through different channels as well. That doesn’t change that boots theory can be seen everywhere and that system has been set up as it is by the wealthy.
Kandydaci bezprogramowi, konsekwencja partii bezprogramowych.
Finns I work with are really good at hiding this. Must be their secret formula.
Let me try 😐😐😐
Lots of those advanced Israeli AA weapons are developed together with US defence contractors and multinationals (Arrow3 = Boeing, David’s Sling = Raytheon) so one could hope they’re off the table too.
Reorg resulted in something between a limbo and Guantanamo so you could say things are going the same as usual.