Since the beginning of the full-scale war, 864,860 occupiers have been relieved of mortgage and household loan issues.
Demilitarized in 24 hours : 12 tanks;
18 BBM;
52 artillery systems;
2 air defence systems;
143 units of motor vehicles and tank trucks;
1 unit of special equipment.
From 19:00 on February 20, representatives of the terrorist federation launched 160 drones towards #Ukraine.
As of 08:00 , 87 #UAVs were shot down in the #Kharkiv, #Poltava, #Sumy, #Chernihiv, #Cherkasy, #Kyiv, #Kirovohrad, #Zhytomyr, #Vinnytsia, #Mykolaiv, #Kherson, and #Dnipropetrovsk regions. 70 #Russian drones were lost.
As a result of the enemy attack, the #Odessa, #Kiev, #Poltava, and #Kharkov regions suffered.
#ukraine #putinisamasskiller #putinisawarcriminal @kardinal691