So you’re not in Finland bit have Finnish colleagues? Maybe that’s the secret? Just get every unhappy Fin to move abroad?
So you’re not in Finland bit have Finnish colleagues? Maybe that’s the secret? Just get every unhappy Fin to move abroad?
Ever downwards, I hope.
Hate their chocolate design with a passion (yes, even with knowing the shite reasoning behind it). Still buying it though, they’re super tasty.
Speaking of tasty:
You could decide not to consume or look for a company that at least tries not to be shite. And or buy small business / local.
Unfortunately it looks like they don’t give a damn about their workers or the planet:
Maybe you can but you shouldn’t.
Oh hey, reality being even worse than Black Mirror again 😿
So what are you using on the desktop and how long have you been using it? I’ve switched to Linux / open source software a year ago and especially learning programs (design / media tools in my case) was super painful for some time. But I had the motivation of not wanting to use an OS that tries to spy on me and getting away from a super shady monopolist (Adobe) as a motivator that kept me going. Sure there are still some things that get on my nerves but those exist in Microsoft’s (and Apple’s) and Adobe’s products as well.
I guess you have checked out Krita? I like it a lot.
And so it begins …
100% agree with you that military isn’t good or sexy ever but comparing this photo to like a grizzly, manly man in the mud (which could be sexy as well, lol) I think this image wants to say “Look we’re not the reactionary, sexist boys club we once were (which is a complete lie, probably), come join us, we even got women now!” So basicallly propaganda.
Ooops, yes, sorry, Eevee is Blender’s real time renderer (like a game engine) that fakes fakes a lot of stuff while Cycles is the classic “physics-based” renderer. I heard that it took under a minute to Render a frame which is absurd for movie quality. But it makes sense since the look is kinda stylized (only noticed in the cinema that characters are kinda cell shaded) but it still looks so good, the lightning, fog, water, bloom, dephth of field, wow. Was really worth it watching on the big screen. Story is a bit weird but loved the characters and their interactions.
Oh, I didn’t know about BookBrainz bit I’ve been enjoying https://listenbrainz.org a lot!
Haha, whoops, I’ve been using Futo Keyboard for month, (it’s amazing!) not realizing that it’s sponsored by the same company that also gives money to Immich, nice!
Now this one I can get behind!
Interesting, for me it seems to be supposed to convey “military good and sexy now” vibes.
What is it worth given the fact that they’re two rich old white dudes known to waking up not caring what they said yesterday constantly?
Public money, public code! Make it FOSS or get rekt!
Ethical issues and Banks Politicians Police Techbros Game indiestrie Hardware manufacturing Food production Fashion Cars …
The list is endless