Hide / Shield.
Terrain piece made from mainly household junk (what can you spot?). Some additional scrap cast pieces from my experiments and a wall corner of foamcore. based on a CD covered in tissue/PVA.
Turning the corner of a ruined building into a shield or hide for the battle to come. Construct a rough wooden frame to support all the junk you can find.
Space Marine miniature for scale.
Bottle cap?
Garden hose nozzle parts?
I think part of a roof used to be somekind of display/shipping stand?
Oh that looks so rad.
Ton of fun building that I bet.
What did you pull those gears out of?
Your rust weathering is top notch. I think I'll refer to you as Dr Corrosion from now on.
@mastosalo Thanks again.
My rust thoughts can be found in the 5th part of my Sprue hut tutorial on kofi.
Free to view, just somewhere to host it.
@mastosalo I could tell you some of the items, but where's the fun in that.
The larger gears I have were from a small blender/chopper thing, smaller gears I got out of a cheap clock mechanism (those black boxes with the single battery).